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Deadline Extension and Carryforward Authority

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Below are two items which have come to our attention over the past week that we wanted to share with you:

State Audit Deadline Extension

As you may know, the State Superintendent was granted flexibility authority, contained within the Continuing Resolution passed, which extended to South Carolina Code Section 59-17-100 and the State Board of Education Regulation Section 43-172 (II).  This allows for the extension of the December 1 deadline for all financial statement audits to be submitted.  At the request of the Department of Education, this deadline has been extended to January 15, 2020.

Carryforward Authority of State Funding

As a part of the Continuing Resolution and as a way to allow funds from prior years to be spent, the State Department of Education has granted a waiver of the one year carryover restriction on all state funds carried from FY18-19 to FY19-20.  These funds can be carried for one additional year but must be spent during FY20-21.  This does not apply to any federal funds carried forward.

As a point of clarification, this resolution did not extend the same waiver to funds issued in FY20.  If funds were issued in FY20, those funds fall under the normal guidelines. If you have funds with a “No Carryover Provision” issued in FY19-20, those funds must be spent or returned in FY20.  The one year carryover allowance still is in place for funds without the above mentioned provision.


As always, our staff are here to assist you in any way possible.  We know that these are very different times and things are handled differently as scenarios could change week to week.  If there is anything we can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to let us know. We are, as always, here to help in any way we can.